
TRON has a complete Health and Safety Management System.  Our objective is to reduce work-related incidents and attain safety excellence in all aspects of our operations. We all share in the responsibility to build a safe work environment and ensure that our hard-working men and women return home safe each and every day.

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Our Objective

The objective of our company Health and Safety Programs are to reduce work related incidents and illnesses and to promote Health & Safety in every task undertaken by Tron personnel. Tron recognizes the right of Tron personnel to work in a safe and healthy environment and is committed to working in a spirit of consultation and cooperation with its workers.

Communication and leadership are the keys to building and maintaining a safety culture.  To achieve our safety commitments, TRON will:

  • Strive for excellence in its Health & Safety Management System throughout all projects, shops and offices.

  • Assess and manage risks for all individuals and its work sites.

  • Focus on identifying and assessing hazards, implementing measures to control hazards.

  • Meet or exceed applicable legislated or other governing agency requirements.

  • Continuously improve by assessing and applying the industries best practices.

  • Provide the necessary resources (training, equipment, manpower).

  • Conduct inspections, investigations, and hold safety meetings with worker involvement to continuously improve our Health & Safety Management System.

  • Conduct daily tasks in a healthy and safe manner.